Time to suit up for Chief Terry Tyler. CLF statement to media in response to Monday’s arrest on an Oct 2022 incident.
/“Chief Tyler was arrested today in Drew, MS by MBI being assisted by the US Marshals after being indicted with two other individuals by a Desoto County grand jury on a charge of aggravated assault with a firearm from an alleged incident two years ago. Chief Tyler was not given the opportunity to voluntarily surrender or turn himself in with his attorney. He’s not a flight risk. He has no criminal history. The Desoto County District Attorney’s Office argued for a received the maximum bond on this charge allowable by law of $250,000. Chief Tyler was paraded across the news as if he is a danger to society.. I find this to be a complete waste of resources of both state and federal law enforcement, as well as of the court, for the political benefit of the Desoto County District Attorney’s Office. Chief Tyler looks forward to arguing the merits of the case in court where, oddly, he is charged as a codefendant and a victim in the same indictment. In 18 years of law practice, I’ve never seen a criminal indictment as convoluted as this. The District Attorney’s Office has been sitting on this case for two years, and they still can’t get it right.”